Ok! What's up with the new trend of a second skin? I don't know but i love and embrace it!
Ever since i started wearing longs as a kid i've been fascinated by these long extra legs.
I remember when
i was in kindergarden, if i was wearing a dress and longs the longs would stretch and stretch till i walked around with flapping feet of fabric that were double the size of my own feet.
But now, it's easier wearing these tight pieces of clothing. I kind of got a hang of it now! Luckily a few things actually get better when your older. Now i want them in any color, fabric and seam i can possibly get my hands on!
I went to Liverpool a couple of weeks ago a
nd bought, i thi
nk, ten different pairs. Black, star-patterned, blue batik, back-seamed, purple, yellow so on and so on. My favourite right now is my leathery ones. Even-though i do have leathers pants(which i love) their nice for a cleaner look with a short dress over or just a long t-shirt or blazer.
But the two pairs i am missing though are the velvet ones and the pvc ones. god i need'em!
You can use tights with anything! Their even more "usable" than the little black one everyones talking about! "The little tight ones" are more my style mi pallios! I love wearing them with my new shiny sky-high ankle boots or my worn out all stars.
I got some pretty cool stockings this xmas as well from mi madre, by Agent Provocateur. This is one of'em.

Well, just had to express my love for this little fantastic garment that gets so neglected when there's talk about style or fashion, even-though most of us gals are wearing'em!...but screw that, they know their awsome and they got us buying'em!!

Go buy awsome cheap tights, they rule! And resycle my friends!( I'm not kidding, this world is important... even-though a lot of people sure hasn't realized it! )
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