Alright... I haven't written a post for AGES!! I've been the busIest i have EVER been. And eventhough it means i'm working like crazy, i am enjoying it! I am now working wto jobs, trying to make my musical career go as best as it can AND trying to be a good girlfriend and friend. Puh. Lucky for me i have such amazing friends!!
But; Eventough i am enjoying this crazy fast life i do feel that i miss being creativ in my daily life and i feel i gotto bring it back in! So, i hope this can be my little creative corner where i don't have to be good at anything, please anyone and just have fun!
There are a lot of things that has happend in my life since we last spoke. We are recording our second album(me and the band that is), i got a second job in the company i am already working for and i just got back from Thailand(jeeeeeeey) where i got my diving license(jeeeeey for that too!!!). I am trying to get my solo project up and running as well eventough that's probably going to take some time.
I'll keep writing about design, which is one of my passions in life, but i think you'll see that i'll also be writing a bit more about my music, my aspirations and life in general than i have before. Hope you're ok with that;)
I hope i can keep it on this time, and if not: I'll keep coming back!
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