Sunday, 10 October 2010

I tried the babies on today!

Originally i wanted them in the grayish color, but after trying them on in black i got to say i'm not so sure:S

What do you think? Black or grayish?


Anonymous said...

Omg!!! Can you walk with that shoes? they're really cool but seem to be uncomfortable!!!
Of course Black!
Hugs from Spain

Malin said...

I tried them on today and they were actually surprisingly comfortable to walk in! They don't look that way though. They are quite light on the foot, and that's nice! And, like you say: They are really cool!

Hugs back!

Kiri Lovise :) said...

lenge siden sist malin! jeg ville bare si at jeg er nylig eier av de skoene i svart. fantastiske.

Malin said...


Jeg og!! Kjøpte dem i går! I am SO happy!!!

Yeey, shoe-sisters!