So, my best friend and i decided to follow my boyfriend's band (Yoga Fire) to a town outside of Oslo for a gig they were playing there. We had such great fun!!

On the train on our waaay! Eye wear is essential! Especially when you're traveling the rails and the sun is shining at the autumn leaves as you drive buy... Ah...

Then there was: YOGA FIRE!! A hell of a show! I love these guys, they're crazy, sweet, lovable and they just don't give a f***!

After the show we decided we wanted to go to an after party! And on our way there we noticed this store.. And the reason it's funny is: My boyfriends nickname is Dokken! So ye, we had to take a picture of course..

Here we are at the after party. It was really nice and cozy! I actually forgot my phone here and that's something i have never done before! And my boyfriend went back to get it for me! He's the sweetest thing alive.

Packing the next day! I'm waiting in our car..

My MIU MIU baby and some left over fries from our Mac Donalds breakfast.

And i got the SHOES!! Hoho! I just love them!!
Herrrrlig bilde av oss ;) Ser litt kreftsjuk ut da men... Gøy gøy helg :D
Hvorfor er jeg anonym? Å ja, fordi jeg er retard og ikke skjønner hvordan jeg skal kommentere. (Ergo Becks)
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